About Me

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Turrets and Spires, Near the sea., United Kingdom
An imperfect mother. An unfaithful wife. A career professional. Waiting to feel the stone thrown at her by the one without sin.

Saturday, 24 April 2010

Once Upon A Time...

There was a young man...who had flitted around the world. He had been hurt, by women...so he flitted and floated by.He discovered sexual diseases and sexual vices as his money rolled in...until the dotcom crash.
He married a young girl; 17. He picked her up in Beijing...she was learning how to be a prostitute and he pitied her, took her in.She fell pregnant..and his Muslim family were rocked and shocked. Yet he had so much money, he was okay...he could lead his life, giving his parents everything they needed.
Unfortunately, she was Mongolian...

beautiful, slim....young...Mongolian.

He married her.

Four children later.
14 Years later.

She has...had a relationship in Hong Kong....had a two year affair in her home town. Aborted her lover's child. Confided in her husband...her love for her lover; her plans for a family with her lover; her feelings about her lover. Run off with her lover and returned...flaunted it...but her herpes has also refused to diminish. Her husband gave her that.

Her husband is going mad.
It is madness.

He is serving her divorce papers soon. She has no idea. He is collecting the evidence and is taking the children to the land of Maple Syrup....without her...

Hopefully he will live happily ever after.
My life seems so much calmer...

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